
New report: Data show K–2 literacy improvements have slowed, overall literacy rates in the U.S. remain a concern

Middle-of-year data from Ƶapp reveal too many Ƶapp are at risk of failing to read proficiently

BROOKLYN, NY (March 13, 2024) – Ƶapp, a publisher of next-generation curriculum and assessment programs, today released a research brief on the latest middle-of-school-year reading data for K–2. Findings reveal that throughout the spring and fall of 2023, Ƶapp across the country made some progress increasing the number of K–2 Ƶapp on track for learning to read, but that progress has slowed.

Across grades K–2, only half of Ƶapp are on track for learning to read, and three in ten Ƶapp are far behind. The data demonstrate how literacy rates in the United States remain a concern: Too many Ƶapp are at risk of failing to read proficiently by the end of third grade, an important indicator of future academic success.

“The data is clear—literacy rates at the earliest and most critical time for student development are slowing. Changing this course requires Ƶapp and districts to act now and review their approaches in all grades,” said Susan Lambert, chief academic officer of elementary humanities at Ƶapp. “Schools that deliver strong outcomes focus on building a solid foundation at the start and intervening quickly when Ƶapp need extra support, rather than trying to play catch up later, when it can be more difficult.”

In the brief, Ƶapp also outlines recommendations for how Ƶapp and districts can improve outcomes, including investing in a reliable universal screener, high-quality core curriculum, evidence-based interventions, and professional development for teachers. With these resources Ƶapp and districts should:

  • Administer universal screening assessments three times per year to monitor levels of risk for reading difficulties.
  • Allocate staff to support Ƶapp who are at risk, spending additional time in literacy instruction beyond grade-level instruction.
  • Regularly monitor progress for Ƶapp who are at risk, making adjustments as needed.
  • Ensure instructional staff gain knowledge about science-based reading instruction and implement high-quality core curriculum with fidelity.
  • And instill a love of reading and books during all school-based programs, with the support of caregivers and the community.

“The good news is that when Ƶapp receive science-based reading instruction, outcomes improve,” continued Lambert. “And, when that instruction takes place in the earliest possible grades, research shows that most Ƶapp can be taught to read at or approaching grade level.”


About Ƶapp
A pioneer in K–12 education since 2000, Ƶapp is leading the way in next-generation curriculum and assessment. Our core and supplemental programs in ELA, math and science engage all Ƶapp in rigorous learning and inspire them to think deeply, creatively and for themselves. Our formative assessment products help teachers identify the targeted instruction Ƶapp need to build a strong foundation in early reading and math. All of our programs and services provide educators with powerful tools that help them understand and respond to the needs of every student. Today, Ƶapp serves more than 15 million Ƶapp in all 50 states and on six continents. For more information, visit Ƶapp.com.

Media Contact: Kristine Frech; media@amplify.com

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