¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring programs and services
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring is an ESSER and Title funded, high-impact tutoring program that complement the efforts of K–6 ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp, educators, and families in building reading proficiency and confidence.

What is ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring?
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring offers an opportunity for ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp to participate in engaging and adaptive lessons with tutors while accelerating their proficiency in foundational literacy skills.Â
Explore ways to bring ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring to your ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp today!
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Accelerate student achievement.
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring supports and accelerates student proficiency in foundational literacy skills. Results show that ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp in ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring outperformed similarly at-risk peers on a nationally normed reading assessment, and those who attended most consistently made the largest gains.

Reimagine instructional supports.
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp’s scaled tutoring offerings can be customized to help you meet the needs of your ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp. Whether you need high-quality tutoring materials, help designing your tutoring program, professional development, or tutors, ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp can support you at every stage.

Increase insight into student learning.
Grounded in data, mCLASS® Intervention provides educators and tutors with visibility into lessons, progress monitoring, and instruction tailored to the needs of each student.
Our approach
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring offers research-aligned tutoring materials, services, and training. From design consultations to full-service tutoring programs, our models reflect the principles of high-impact tutoring.

Data-driven instructional materials that are aligned with the Science of Reading and meet ESSA criteria
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring features research-backed lessons aligned with the Science of Reading and grounded in mCLASS Intervention, an ESSA aligned program. This program groups ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp with common strengths and needs and provides progress monitoring.
about using ESSA and Title funding to bring ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring to your ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp.
Frequent and consistent sessions
Tutors engage with ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp in three or more 30-minute skill-building sessions per week to build confidence in ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp’ early literacy skills.

Positive relationship building
When ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp feel safe and cared for, they are motivated to achieve their goals. Our approach supports consistent, positive tutor-student relationships.
Training for district and tutoring personnel
District and tutoring personnel receive flexible, comprehensive training, enabling high-quality tutoring instruction to meet student needs.

Our impact
K–6 ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp in ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring are more likely to make outsized gains on mCLASS®, a nationally normed reading assessment.

Above average student growth
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring works for ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp who need it most: 70 percent of ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp who scored below benchmark, and participated regularly in ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring, made above average growth. Tutored ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp were 22 percentage points more likely to make outsized growth compared to peers with a similar risk profile who did not receive tutoring at their school.

Confident leaders
After participating in ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring design consultancies, leaders from more than 100 districts across the nation reported increased confidence in developing and implementing research-based high-impact tutoring (HIT) programs.

Supported tutors
Effective training enables ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp tutors to help their ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp grow. ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp tutors report a 40 percent increase in confidence after engaging in ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp’s tutor training course. ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp support can include tutor coaching, professional development, and office hours.
What's included
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp offers three versatile tutoring models to assist ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp and districts as they design and implement high-impact tutoring programs. You can select the services that best suit your needs.

Which services are right for me?
1. Materials and implementation support |
2. Full-service
3. Consultancies
Professional development
Coaching and training
Tutoring materials
High-quality instructional materials and
nationally normed reading assessments
Program management
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp tutors

1. Materials and implementation support
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp provides tutoring materials, professional development, program management, and data reporting for district-hired tutors. This offering includes:
- Research-backed, tutor-friendly materials and progress monitoring.
- Customizable plans for initial training, continuous professional development, and office hours.
- Tutoring attendance and student achievement reports.
2. Full-service
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp delivers semester and year-long virtual, high-impact tutoring sessions. This offering includes:
- Groups that meet three times per week for 30-minute sessions facilitated by a tutor who is hired, managed, and coached by ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp.
- Tutoring sessions that take place during the school day or after school, never interfering with core instruction.
- Research-backed lessons and progress monitoring grounded in mCLASS Intervention.
- A dedicated ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp program manager.
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp high-impact, Full-service tutoring is available in select areas. To ensure the success of the implementation at a state or district level, it is necessary to include leadership in the planning of the ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp Tutoring Full-service program.

3. Consultancies
¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp provides design and implementation help to ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp and districts that are launching high-impact tutoring (HIT) programs. Consultancies enable ¼â½ÐÊÓƵapp or districts to:
- Develop their own HIT programs.
- Learn HIT research-based design principles, analyze case studies, and budget resources.
- Collaborate with other leaders for support and problem solving.
- Receive personalized support for implementation.